Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rule #1 of Papercutting

Rule #1 of Papercutting:

Cut the paper. Do NOT cut your hands.

We take time now to remember this important rule of papercutting. Joe had a bid of an accident while working on trimming shipping materials for his art and ended up needing stitches to attach his thumb. Yeah, not a fun way to start the working day! We'll keep you posted on how he's doing, but for now we leave you with this amusing picture of his sad boo-boo face.


  1. Ouch! Hope it's better soon :)

  2. Um...OUCH. lol I guess that's a little worse than the cut I got this weekend...I didn't have to stitch it back on. haha

  3. youch!! The other night my husband nearly took the tip of his pinky finger off, while chopping sweet potatoes on the veggie slicer. No stitches needed though, just some medical super glue.

    Whats with guys nearly cutting thier fingers off lately?

  4. Wow! I will remember this next time I'm cutting with the paper-cutter tool. A prayer for Speedy healing coming your way! All the best to both of you and the shop.

  5. dam that hurts i know been there man heal fast!!!
