Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Media!

Hi everyone,
I recently was visited by a local reporter who did an article on my work for the Marshfield Mariner, a small local newspaper. It has a video of me yapping about papercutting and a photo of me cutting out one of the papercut ornaments. Thought I'd share and give a face to the mysterious email person.


  1. What a great video! And it really helps us (fellow bloggers and admirers of your art) to see a slice (no pun intended) of who you are!

  2. Very Cool! Popping by to say thanks for the cards. Hope the holidays bring you big sales & much happiness:D

  3. I have seen your video and great work done by you. All work was fabulous and wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

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  4. Enjoy the holidays. I have seen your video look very great. Your work is fantastic in my opinion. thanks for the posting.

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