Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hanging with the cool kids

Working from home can get lonely, so against all odds I've become a frequent user of Twitter, facebook, and online forums.

(By the way, you can be come a "fan" of my art on Facebook here, or follow me on Twitter here)

I've meet some truly incredible people along the way and it seems like in the past week they have accomplished some amazing things, so I thought I'd share with you all some of my friend's do wellings:

Liz over at Madeinlowell, creator of awesomeness, will be on the Martha Stewart show TODAY showing us all how to create her awesome eggs, which I am proud to say I have one hanging in my living room right now:)

Friend and fellow papercutter in the UK, mrYen, was commissioned to create some original paper art for a short stop-motion film by the same folk who created the awesome Amazon Kindle Commercials:

You can purchase the whales he created for the movie on his etsy site here:

And finally UK Illustrator Extraordinaire Natasha Newton was asked to have her original paintings adorn the covers of the latest edition of Jorge Bucay's books. You can purchase prints of the piece in her awesome etsy shop here:

On top of all that two of my teammates on the Full Time Etsy Crafters were approached by Real Simple Magazine and Oprah Magazine, but since that isn't a done deal yet, I don't want to spoil it for them, but still awesome!

I'm so happy for all of them!


  1. Congratulations to all your friends. I've seen that "lost things" video before and it's truly amazing. Love those eggs too

  2. Thanks so much for the mention! ^_^

  3. Just wanted to comment that I'm such a fan of your work. Paper is one of my favorite mediums to work with. I'll be dropping by some more!


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